Postoperative Instructions For Periodontal Surgery Procedures
Take medication for discomfort within one hour after treatment with milk, fruit juice or a large glass of water. Never take pain medication on an empty stomach. This medication may be repeated every four to six hours as needed for discomfort. NOTE: DO NOT USE ASPIRIN products (i.e. Bufferin, Bayer, Ecotrin, etc.) the week following surgery. Aspirin pain relievers can sometimes contribute to bleeding problems. Non-aspirin pain relievers such as Tylenol and Anacin-3 are acceptable. Due to the normal healing process, discomfort may increase in 3-5 days following the procedure.
If antibiotics were prescribed, take them as directed until all have been taken. NOTE: If Tetracycline is the antibiotic prescribed, do not drink milk or eat dairy products one hour before and one hour after taking the antibiotic. Mixing this particular antibiotic with dairy products can cause it to be ineffective. Also, antibiotics may lessen the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
An icepack will be given to you and should be placed on the outside of your face for approximately 15-20 minutes of each hour, for the first several hours following your surgical procedure. Applying ice will minimize swelling, which may occur 2-3 days after surgery. It is important to use the icepack for the first 24 hours only. Thereafter, if swelling is present, moist heat may be applied 15-20 minutes of each hour to help to reduce swelling.
Some bleeding is normal for 1-2 days following surgery. For the first 24 hours, please avoid HOT liquids and foods, peroxide, alcohol, carbonated beverages, drinking straws and excessive rinsing. These factors can contribute to bleeding problems in the 24-hour period following surgery. Softer and colder foods are excellent during the first 24 hours, after which time you may gradually progress toward your normal diet, including warmer foods and beverages. Adequate nutrition is essential for normal healing.
NO SMOKING! This can cause excessive bleeding and will slow the healing process.
IF PERIODONTAL DRESSING WAS USED: After 24 hours, begin rinsing with warm salt water after each meal and at bedtime (8 oz. of water with 1 teaspoon of salt). If you are careful, this covering should remain in place until your next appointment. However, if the dressing loosens or falls out, do not attempt to replace it. Begin light brushing and continue the warm salt water rinses. We will review detailed home care instructions with you when you return for your postoperative visit in one week.
IF PERIODONTAL DRESSING WAS NOT USED: Do Not Rinse for the first 24 hours following surgery, after which time, you may begin rinsing with warm salt water (8 oz. of water with 1 teaspoon of salt) or the prescribed mouth rinse, after each meal and at bedtime. Light brushing in the surgical area should begin the day following surgery. We will review detailed home care instructions with you when you return for your postoperative visit in one week.
Do not use a WaterPik for at least four weeks following surgery or as instructed by your doctor.
The sutures used are usually dissolvable and may be dissolved by the time you return for your post surgical visit. Sutures that are not dissolvable will usually be removed at that time.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns not answered above regarding your postoperative care. We are here to help!
Postoperative Instructions For Gingival Grafting Procedures
Take medication for discomfort within one hour after treatment with milk, fruit juice or a large glass of water. Never take pain medication on an empty stomach. This medication may be repeated every four to six hours as needed for discomfort. NOTE: DO NOT USE ASPIRIN products (i.e. Bufferin, Bayer, Ecotrin, etc.) the week following surgery. Aspirin pain relievers can sometimes contribute to bleeding problems. Non-aspirin pain relievers such as Tylenol and Anacin-3 are acceptable. Due to the normal healing process, discomfort may increase in 3-5 days following the procedure.
If antibiotics were prescribed, take them as directed until all have been taken. NOTE: If Tetracycline is the antibiotic prescribed, do not drink milk or eat dairy products one hour before and one hour after taking the antibiotic. Mixing this particular antibiotic with dairy products can cause it to be ineffective. Also, antibiotics may lessen the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Some bleeding is normal for 1-2 days following surgery. For the first 24 hours, please avoid HOT liquids and foods, peroxide, alcohol, carbonated beverages, drinking straws and excessive rinsing. These factors can contribute to bleeding problems in the 24-hour period following surgery. Softer and colder foods are excellent during the first 24 hours, after which time you may gradually progress toward your normal diet, including warmer foods and beverages. Adequate nutrition is essential for normal healing.
NO SMOKING! This can cause excessive bleeding and will slow the healing process.
Begin brushing and flossing the areas not operated on the day following surgery.
NOTE: Do not use a WaterPik in any area of your mouth for at least 4 weeks following surgery or as instructed by the doctor.
Periodontal dressings are applied to the surgical sites to protect these areas and to keep you more comfortable. If you are careful, these dressings should remain in place until your next appointment. However, should any dressing loosen or feel as though it is ready to fall out, please call the office. After 24 hours, begin very light rinsing with warm salt water after each meal and at bedtime (8 oz. of water with 1 teaspoon of salt) or the prescribed mouth rinse.
The sutures used are usually dissolvable and may be dissolved by the time you return for your post surgical visit. Sutures that are not dissolvable will usually be removed at that time.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns not answered above regarding your postoperative care. We are here to help!
Postoperative Instructions For Gingival Grafting Procedures Using Alloderm
VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE for 3 weeks following this procedure. Using toothpaste, even in nonsurgical areas, may damage the grafting material that has been used. The doctor will tell you when you can resume using toothpaste, at your second follow-up visit, approximately 3 weeks following surgery.
Take medication for discomfort within one hour after treatment with milk, fruit juice or a large glass of water. Never take pain medication on an empty stomach. This medication may be repeated every four to six hours as needed for discomfort. NOTE: DO NOT USE ASPIRIN products (i.e. Bufferin, Bayer, Ecotrin, etc.) the week following surgery. Aspirin pain relievers can sometimes contribute to bleeding problems. Non-aspirin pain relievers such as Tylenol and Anacin-3 are acceptable. Due to the normal healing process, discomfort may increase in 3-5 days following the procedure.
If antibiotics were prescribed, take them as directed until all have been taken. NOTE: If Tetracycline is the antibiotic prescribed, do not drink milk or eat dairy products one hour before and one hour after taking the antibiotic. Mixing this particular antibiotic with dairy products can cause it to be ineffective. Also, antibiotics may lessen the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Some bleeding is normal for 1-2 days following surgery. For the first 24 hours, please avoid HOT liquids and foods, peroxide, alcohol, carbonated beverages, drinking straws and excessive rinsing. These factors can contribute to bleeding problems in the 24-hour period following surgery. Softer and colder foods are excellent during the first 24 hours, after which time you may gradually progress toward your normal diet, including warmer foods and beverages. Adequate nutrition is essential for normal healing.
NO SMOKING! This can cause excessive bleeding and will slow the healing process.
Begin brushing and flossing the areas not operated on the day following surgery.
NOTE: Do not use a WaterPik in any area of your mouth for at least 4 weeks following surgery or as instructed by the doctor.
Periodontal dressings are applied to the surgical sites to protect these areas and to keep you more comfortable. If you are careful, these dressings should remain in place until your next appointment. However, should any dressing loosen or feel as though it is ready to fall out, please call the office. After 24 hours, begin very light rinsing with warm salt water after each meal and at bedtime (8 oz. of water with 1 teaspoon of salt) or the prescribed mouth rinse.
The sutures used are usually dissolvable and may be dissolved by the time you return for your post surgical visit. Sutures that are not dissolvable will usually be removed at that time.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns not answered above regarding your postoperative care. We are here to help!